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Lilac Anemone, Matilda Ellison  




The unconsummated marriage: Its frequency and clinical characteristics in a sexual dysfunction clinic. Özdemir Ö, Şimşek F, Özkardeş S, İncesu C, Karakoç B. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 2008; 34 (3): 268-279.


The object of this study was to investigate frequency of the unconsummated marriages and its clinical characteristics among the subjects who referred to a sexual dysfunction clinic in Turkey. Four hundred and forty nine unconsummated marriage cases were evaluated among 1880 subjects referred to Acibadem Sexual Health Clinic, Istanbul, between December 2000 and December 2004. Unconsummated marriage arase from the female partner in 67% of the cases, 7% males and 26% both. Vaginismus was the most prominent cause in 81% of the cases, erectile dysfunction in 10.5%, premature ejaculation in 5%. Previous reports from eastern societies including Turkey indicate higher incidences of premature ejaculation and vaginismus than the western world which underline a strong cultural influence in the background of these disorders. These also appeared to be the most important precursos of unconsummated marriage in our study.




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